Sunday, March 30, 2014

Japan Picture Dump ^^

I will try to explain what some of these are for you all. 'Cause I am nice like that. ^^

First up is my leaving Miami for Seoul. My dad took me to the airport and waited until I was through security. Sweet sweet man.

I need someone to take that first one and put a rifle in my hands. I totally felt like a hunter going after some baggage. ^^

Next up, Japan itself. This is my hotel room, which is actually very close to how my apt here looks like. *sigh* except it had a separate shower. I also included pics of the mystical paper about a "box of electricity," and the actual "magical box that provides the electricity". There are also views from my hotel room, in one of the night ones you can see Fukuoka Tower lit up. Also, look for the door's peep hole. How short are these people? SUPER short.

Now my only dinner in Japan: I don't know! But it was delicious!! Someone translate it for me! Also you will see a picture of the magic menu. You can use the "pen" and highlight what you want and how many and they bring to you! No more servers needed!

I walked around A LOT the next day waiting for 1.30 to roll around, and with my heavy bag. :( pity me! I took pics of EVERYTHING. People's homes, temples, cats, daffodils (which made me happy since it was still Feb.), anything that looked pretty to me. It was a very surreal mix of old and new.

I then found a convenience store and bought me some ice cream mochi!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUM YUM YUM Half way through it I thought I should take some pictures for you poor mortals in the States suffering. BUWAHAHAHAHAHA!

I then found this park behind the consulate next to the river and near some REALLY nice houses (which I didn't take pics of, since you don't mess with rich people, minus what you see in the photos). How do I know they were rich? They had their own car lifts (you know, those mechanical things that will lift a car up so you can park another car under it...?)! I spent probably 2 hours in this park watching movies on the laptop, and playing games on the android (drained both to death). The bag was so heavy I just didn't want to move really.

I then got the visa, and was headed towards the subway when I saw this:

My grandmother Clara had (then my mom, and now I have) a statue just like the statue of the little old man in this ad on the wall! It was an advert for an oriental medicine pharmacy. I had to take the pic.

Of course I got to the airport like 5 hours early. I had to wait outside the gates! ugh. While staring at this really cute airport store of souvenirs and yummies. double ugh! I caved & bought Green Tea Kit Kats. yummm. Bonus: I met a really nice S. Korean guy (Woody) who taught me some slang and we talked about what we did in Fukuoka, he did more exciting & touristy things.

I then got my plane ticket went to the gates, and went to the restroom - found a singing toilet!!!!! Which scared me to death since I was not expecting it to sing to me when I flushed.

When I got on the plane I was totes excited to find out my boss had gotten my business class!!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! Even better: it was empty.

So those are all the pictures from Japan! I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did taking them!!! (probably not, but then again - I WAS lugging around a 10 lb bag on my bag) ^.~ I'm sorry I cannot name the temples and stuff for you. But I have no idea myself, even now.