Especially since all of my family will (hopefully) be curious as to what is happening in my life once I leave the USA.
I have been wanting to Teach English (as a second language) in Korea for about a year and a half. I got my CELTA last July and some experience under my belt so now it is time to see the world, starting with Korea, and share my knowledge.
I have signed the contract with my future school in Seoul. I will be in Gangdong - which is on the south side of the Han River, near Olympic Park.
Now I just need to get my Visa, pack my bags and get on the plane (which will happen on Feb. 23)!! This means I have to: go to the Korean Consulate in Atlanta (for the Visa), and seriously minimize my life (decide what to keep, toss & donate).
This next month is going to be absolutely crazy, terrifying, and exciting!!
And since I need to continue learning Korean, I will have a Korean word/phrase for each post so you can learn with me!! [I am such a teacher/nerd. smh]
대박 - dae bak = cool or awesome. "I am going to Korea!!" "Daebak!"
Yeay! Good luck, Noona! <3