Wait for my visa issue number (my vin, yes - I will be a car one day);
Then apply for my visa from the consulate;
Continue packing/sorting my things;
Sort my computer files.
Wow, a lot has happened in the past week!! I barely know where to begin. Let me start with the most exciting part: I got a NEW LAPTOP!!! YAY! My folks got it for me as a very early birthday present; along with a portable external hard drive & a bag. We got it today, and I am writing this post with it right now. ^_^
The other things that happened: I got a new phone & left Verizon, finally got my FBI crc and sent my documents to Korea, and went to the Swap Shop (a local flea market) and sold some stuff. Let me give you the details.
So T-Mobile is having a deal where if you leave your carrier they will pay your early termination fees. Since I wanted to downgrade my service and save my number here in the States, I decided this was meant to be. So I got a nice cheap phone (and even though I last had a phone like this in the early 2000’s, I still had to pay for it! *eyeroll*) and moved my number to my mom’s account, so my number has a caretaker. BUWAHAHAHAHA. You may be asking yourself why I have done all this for a simple cell number - if you are, you do not know that I have had this number since I was in high school! This is the one and ONLY phone number I have had. I will keep it like that. At least here in the States. Also, whenever I come back and want to hangout I can just call from my phone. No awkward messaging on FB.
As for the FBI crc (criminal record check) I was waiting for it to come back from being apostilled. I had already ordered and received the actual FBI crc last year, but I sent it off to be apostilled on Jan 7th. I got it back on the 1st of Feb. Ugh. So I had it, and several other papers FedEx’d to Korea. These papers will go to the office of Adventure Teaching ( my recruiter) in Korea. They will give it to my future school/employer, who will in turn give it to Korean Immigration. They will issue my vin. This number will be emailed to me and I will add it to another set of papers I have to give to the Korean Consulate in Atlanta. And they will issue my visa. This is going to be a tight fit since I only have three weeks until take-off. Immigration is taking 3+ weeks for my future co-teacher. I am really starting to get nervous.
And onto the last thing that happened, the swap. I took a lot of stuff: books (aka my babies and closest friends), my shot glass collection, picture frames, DVDs, CDs, PC games, Mardi Gras beads (yes, I still had them), artwork, an old old old stereo, hats, purses, and some other miscellaneous things. I am surprised to say I sold about 25% of the things I took, including the stereo - which was heavy and took up a lot of room. But, unfortunately, I haven’t sold enough, so we will be going back next weekend. bleh.

So, thats what has happened this past week. How was your week?
Korean Lesson
미안해 - mianhae = (I’m) sorry. “It has actually been over 7 days since my past post. Mianhae”
I'm going to miss you!! But I wish you all the best. Are you sure you're going to come back? LOL! How can we keep in contact with you?
ReplyDeleteSkype, email, and I will get a new phone once I get over there. I will send you the deets. ^_^
DeleteYAY!! I hope you take lots of pics while you're there so I can dream...the most I could do would visit if I managed to get a job while you were there :)