Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Game of...



That was daebak right?... No? It wasn't??
Welcome to my world.

Prep to go to Korea to-do list:
Continue waiting for my visa issue number;
Ensure all my visa paperwork is ready;
Apply for my visa from the consulate;
Continue packing/sorting my things;
Sort my computer files;
Get an ex-pat computer program, so I can watch American stuff online in Korea.

Am I forgetting anything??


Well, Korean Immigration has my documents; it only took a week for my documents to get halfway around the world. *sigh* So I am just waiting on that now.

On to the fun/sad stuff:

I am in the midst of serious packing. I donated all the books I couldn't sell to the library. I cried. A lot. Then my father is lovingly called this moment "taking the kids to the orphanage." I then proceeded to cry more. The pile of clothes to be donated has also increased. This next week I going to be crunch time. I will have to pack my clothes (that I use for work), shoes, and toiletries.

I also found an extension for Chrome that will allow me to use websites that are for US residents only. YAY!!! It is called ZenMate (if anyone if wondering).

News about my future American co-worker: He is leaving, tomorrow, Sat., Feb. 15 at 6 am!!! So jealous! We also found out that our school will be providing us with cellphones, cookware and a kitchen set (for the apartments they are providing us). We also got the exact location of our school and the building we will be living in. Which I obviously will not put here. ^_^

I feel like I am forgetting something, but I do not know what it is... ugh. I hate that feeling.

Oh wells.

Korean Lesson:

진짜 - Jinjja/Chincha = Really?!

"Can you believe I might be leaving in a week?" "CHINCHA!?"


  1. Yayy!! You will be there soonish no worries...and then I will see you in May when I come to visit Seoul :) <3- Kaitie

    1. I know. It is all getting very exciting. I cant wait to see you in 3 months! YAY!
